Amiga Plus 2002 #3
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 03.iso
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Text File
507 lines
; Format and options of this spec file:
options = "+spec2"
artists = "
Tatu Rissanen <tatu.rissanen@hut.fi>
Jeff Mallatt <jjm@codewell.com> (miscellaneous)
gfx = "trident/tiles"
x_top_left = 0
y_top_left = 0
dx = 30
dy = 30
tiles = { "row", "column", "tag"
; "Shoreline" "corner" tiles, designate shores north, south, east,
; west, actually that direction rotated 45 degrees clockwise:
0, 0, "tx.coast_cape_n1s0e0w0"
0, 1, "tx.coast_cape_n0s0e1w0"
0, 2, "tx.coast_cape_n1s0e1w0"
0, 3, "tx.coast_cape_n0s1e0w0"
0, 4, "tx.coast_cape_n1s1e0w0"
0, 5, "tx.coast_cape_n0s1e1w0"
0, 6, "tx.coast_cape_n1s1e1w0"
0, 7, "tx.coast_cape_n0s0e0w1"
0, 8, "tx.coast_cape_n1s0e0w1"
0, 9, "tx.coast_cape_n0s0e1w1"
0, 10, "tx.coast_cape_n1s0e1w1"
0, 11, "tx.coast_cape_n0s1e0w1"
0, 12, "tx.coast_cape_n1s1e0w1"
0, 13, "tx.coast_cape_n0s1e1w1"
0, 14, "tx.coast_cape_n1s1e1w1"
; Grassland, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more grassland:
1, 0, "t.grassland_n1s1e1w1"
1, 1, "t.grassland_n0s1e1w1"
1, 2, "t.grassland_n1s1e0w1"
1, 3, "t.grassland_n0s1e0w1"
1, 4, "t.grassland_n1s0e1w1"
1, 5, "t.grassland_n0s0e1w1"
1, 6, "t.grassland_n1s0e0w1"
1, 7, "t.grassland_n0s0e0w1"
1, 8, "t.grassland_n1s1e1w0"
1, 9, "t.grassland_n0s1e1w0"
1, 10, "t.grassland_n1s1e0w0"
1, 11, "t.grassland_n0s1e0w0"
1, 12, "t.grassland_n1s0e1w0"
1, 13, "t.grassland_n0s0e1w0"
1, 14, "t.grassland_n1s0e0w0"
1, 15, "t.grassland_n0s0e0w0"
; Desert, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more desert:
2, 0, "t.desert_n1s1e1w1"
2, 1, "t.desert_n0s1e1w1"
2, 2, "t.desert_n1s1e0w1"
2, 3, "t.desert_n0s1e0w1"
2, 4, "t.desert_n1s0e1w1"
2, 5, "t.desert_n0s0e1w1"
2, 6, "t.desert_n1s0e0w1"
2, 7, "t.desert_n0s0e0w1"
2, 8, "t.desert_n1s1e1w0"
2, 9, "t.desert_n0s1e1w0"
2, 10, "t.desert_n1s1e0w0"
2, 11, "t.desert_n0s1e0w0"
2, 12, "t.desert_n1s0e1w0"
2, 13, "t.desert_n0s0e1w0"
2, 14, "t.desert_n1s0e0w0"
2, 15, "t.desert_n0s0e0w0"
; Arctic, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more arctic:
3, 0, "t.arctic_n1s1e1w1"
3, 1, "t.arctic_n0s1e1w1"
3, 2, "t.arctic_n1s1e0w1"
3, 3, "t.arctic_n0s1e0w1"
3, 4, "t.arctic_n1s0e1w1"
3, 5, "t.arctic_n0s0e1w1"
3, 6, "t.arctic_n1s0e0w1"
3, 7, "t.arctic_n0s0e0w1"
3, 8, "t.arctic_n1s1e1w0"
3, 9, "t.arctic_n0s1e1w0"
3, 10, "t.arctic_n1s1e0w0"
3, 11, "t.arctic_n0s1e0w0"
3, 12, "t.arctic_n1s0e1w0"
3, 13, "t.arctic_n0s0e1w0"
3, 14, "t.arctic_n1s0e0w0"
3, 15, "t.arctic_n0s0e0w0"
; Jungle, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more jungle:
4, 0, "t.jungle_n1s1e1w1"
4, 1, "t.jungle_n0s1e1w1"
4, 2, "t.jungle_n1s1e0w1"
4, 3, "t.jungle_n0s1e0w1"
4, 4, "t.jungle_n1s0e1w1"
4, 5, "t.jungle_n0s0e1w1"
4, 6, "t.jungle_n1s0e0w1"
4, 7, "t.jungle_n0s0e0w1"
4, 8, "t.jungle_n1s1e1w0"
4, 9, "t.jungle_n0s1e1w0"
4, 10, "t.jungle_n1s1e0w0"
4, 11, "t.jungle_n0s1e0w0"
4, 12, "t.jungle_n1s0e1w0"
4, 13, "t.jungle_n0s0e1w0"
4, 14, "t.jungle_n1s0e0w0"
4, 15, "t.jungle_n0s0e0w0"
; Plains, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more plains:
5, 0, "t.plains_n1s1e1w1"
5, 1, "t.plains_n0s1e1w1"
5, 2, "t.plains_n1s1e0w1"
5, 3, "t.plains_n0s1e0w1"
5, 4, "t.plains_n1s0e1w1"
5, 5, "t.plains_n0s0e1w1"
5, 6, "t.plains_n1s0e0w1"
5, 7, "t.plains_n0s0e0w1"
5, 8, "t.plains_n1s1e1w0"
5, 9, "t.plains_n0s1e1w0"
5, 10, "t.plains_n1s1e0w0"
5, 11, "t.plains_n0s1e0w0"
5, 12, "t.plains_n1s0e1w0"
5, 13, "t.plains_n0s0e1w0"
5, 14, "t.plains_n1s0e0w0"
5, 15, "t.plains_n0s0e0w0"
; Swamp, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more swamp:
6, 0, "t.swamp_n1s1e1w1"
6, 1, "t.swamp_n0s1e1w1"
6, 2, "t.swamp_n1s1e0w1"
6, 3, "t.swamp_n0s1e0w1"
6, 4, "t.swamp_n1s0e1w1"
6, 5, "t.swamp_n0s0e1w1"
6, 6, "t.swamp_n1s0e0w1"
6, 7, "t.swamp_n0s0e0w1"
6, 8, "t.swamp_n1s1e1w0"
6, 9, "t.swamp_n0s1e1w0"
6, 10, "t.swamp_n1s1e0w0"
6, 11, "t.swamp_n0s1e0w0"
6, 12, "t.swamp_n1s0e1w0"
6, 13, "t.swamp_n0s0e1w0"
6, 14, "t.swamp_n1s0e0w0"
6, 15, "t.swamp_n0s0e0w0"
; Tundra, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more tundra:
7, 0, "t.tundra_n1s1e1w1"
7, 1, "t.tundra_n0s1e1w1"
7, 2, "t.tundra_n1s1e0w1"
7, 3, "t.tundra_n0s1e0w1"
7, 4, "t.tundra_n1s0e1w1"
7, 5, "t.tundra_n0s0e1w1"
7, 6, "t.tundra_n1s0e0w1"
7, 7, "t.tundra_n0s0e0w1"
7, 8, "t.tundra_n1s1e1w0"
7, 9, "t.tundra_n0s1e1w0"
7, 10, "t.tundra_n1s1e0w0"
7, 11, "t.tundra_n0s1e0w0"
7, 12, "t.tundra_n1s0e1w0"
7, 13, "t.tundra_n0s0e1w0"
7, 14, "t.tundra_n1s0e0w0"
7, 15, "t.tundra_n0s0e0w0"
; Rivers (as terrain type), and whether terrain to north, south,
; east, west is also river terrain, or ocean:
8, 0, "t.t_river_n0s0e0w0"
8, 1, "t.t_river_n1s0e0w0"
8, 2, "t.t_river_n0s0e1w0"
8, 3, "t.t_river_n1s0e1w0"
8, 4, "t.t_river_n0s1e0w0"
8, 5, "t.t_river_n1s1e0w0"
8, 6, "t.t_river_n0s1e1w0"
8, 7, "t.t_river_n1s1e1w0"
8, 8, "t.t_river_n0s0e0w1"
8, 9, "t.t_river_n1s0e0w1"
8, 10, "t.t_river_n0s0e1w1"
8, 11, "t.t_river_n1s0e1w1"
8, 12, "t.t_river_n0s1e0w1"
8, 13, "t.t_river_n1s1e0w1"
8, 14, "t.t_river_n0s1e1w1"
8, 15, "t.t_river_n1s1e1w1"
; Rivers (as special type), and whether north, south, east, west
; also has river or is ocean:
18, 0, "tx.s_river_n0s0e0w0"
18, 1, "tx.s_river_n1s0e0w0"
18, 2, "tx.s_river_n0s0e1w0"
18, 3, "tx.s_river_n1s0e1w0"
18, 4, "tx.s_river_n0s1e0w0"
18, 5, "tx.s_river_n1s1e0w0"
18, 6, "tx.s_river_n0s1e1w0"
18, 7, "tx.s_river_n1s1e1w0"
18, 8, "tx.s_river_n0s0e0w1"
18, 9, "tx.s_river_n1s0e0w1"
18, 10, "tx.s_river_n0s0e1w1"
18, 11, "tx.s_river_n1s0e1w1"
18, 12, "tx.s_river_n0s1e0w1"
18, 13, "tx.s_river_n1s1e0w1"
18, 14, "tx.s_river_n0s1e1w1"
18, 15, "tx.s_river_n1s1e1w1"
; Ocean, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more ocean (else shoreline)
9, 0, "t.ocean_n1s1e1w1"
9, 1, "t.ocean_n0s1e1w1"
9, 2, "t.ocean_n1s1e0w1"
9, 3, "t.ocean_n0s1e0w1"
9, 4, "t.ocean_n1s0e1w1"
9, 5, "t.ocean_n0s0e1w1"
9, 6, "t.ocean_n1s0e0w1"
9, 7, "t.ocean_n0s0e0w1"
9, 8, "t.ocean_n1s1e1w0"
9, 9, "t.ocean_n0s1e1w0"
9, 10, "t.ocean_n1s1e0w0"
9, 11, "t.ocean_n0s1e0w0"
9, 12, "t.ocean_n1s0e1w0"
9, 13, "t.ocean_n0s0e1w0"
9, 14, "t.ocean_n1s0e0w0"
9, 15, "t.ocean_n0s0e0w0"
; For hills, forest and mountains don't currently have a full set,
; re-use values but provide for future expansion; current sets
; effectively ignore N/S terrain.
; Hills, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more hills.
10, 0, "t.hills_n0s0e0w0", ; not-hills E and W
10, 1, "t.hills_n0s0e1w0", ; hills E
10, 2, "t.hills_n0s0e1w1", ; hills E and W
10, 3, "t.hills_n0s0e0w1", ; hills W
; Forest, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more forest.
10, 4, "t.forest_n0s0e0w0", ; not-forest E and W
10, 5, "t.forest_n0s0e1w0", ; forest E
10, 6, "t.forest_n0s0e1w1", ; forest E and W
10, 7, "t.forest_n0s0e0w1", ; forest W
; Mountains, and whether terrain to north, south, east, west
; is more mountains.
10, 8, "t.mountains_n0s0e0w0", ; not-mountains E and W
10, 9, "t.mountains_n0s0e1w0", ; mountains E
10, 10, "t.mountains_n0s0e1w1", ; mountains E and W
10, 11, "t.mountains_n0s0e0w1", ; mountains W
; Darkness (unexplored) to north, south, east, west
13, 1, "tx.darkness_n1s0e0w0"
13, 2, "tx.darkness_n0s0e1w0"
13, 3, "tx.darkness_n1s0e1w0"
13, 4, "tx.darkness_n0s1e0w0"
13, 5, "tx.darkness_n1s1e0w0"
13, 6, "tx.darkness_n0s1e1w0"
13, 7, "tx.darkness_n1s1e1w0"
13, 8, "tx.darkness_n0s0e0w1"
13, 9, "tx.darkness_n1s0e0w1"
13, 10, "tx.darkness_n0s0e1w1"
13, 11, "tx.darkness_n1s0e1w1"
13, 12, "tx.darkness_n0s1e0w1"
13, 13, "tx.darkness_n1s1e0w1"
13, 14, "tx.darkness_n0s1e1w1"
13, 15, "tx.darkness_n1s1e1w1"
; River outlets, river to north, south, east, west
8, 16, "tx.river_outlet_n"
8, 17, "tx.river_outlet_w"
8, 18, "tx.river_outlet_s"
8, 19, "tx.river_outlet_e"
; Denmark tiles, two rows:
10, 12, "tx.denmark_00"
10, 13, "tx.denmark_01"
10, 14, "tx.denmark_02"
10, 15, "tx.denmark_10"
10, 16, "tx.denmark_11"
10, 17, "tx.denmark_12"
; Terrain special resources:
11, 0, "ts.seals"
11, 1, "ts.oasis"
11, 2, "ts.forest_game"
11, 3, "ts.grassland_resources"
11, 4, "ts.coal"
11, 5, "ts.gems"
11, 6, "ts.gold"
11, 7, "ts.fish"
11, 8, "ts.horses"
11, 9, "ts.river_resources"
11, 10, "ts.oil", "ts.arctic_oil"
11, 11, "ts.tundra_game"
5, 16, "ts.spice"
5, 17, "ts.furs"
5, 18, "ts.peat"
5, 19, "ts.arctic_ivory"
6, 16, "ts.fruit"
6, 17, "ts.iron"
6, 18, "ts.whales"
6, 19, "ts.wheat"
7, 16, "ts.pheasant"
7, 17, "ts.buffalo"
7, 18, "ts.silk"
7, 19, "ts.wine"
; Terrain improvements and similar:
12, 7, "tx.farmland"
12, 8, "tx.irrigation"
12, 9, "tx.mine"
12, 10, "tx.oil_mine"
12, 11, "tx.pollution"
12, 14, "tx.village"
12, 15, "tx.fortress"
13, 16, "tx.airbase"
13, 17, "tx.fog"
13, 18, "tx.fallout"
; Unit activity letters: (note unit icons have just "u.")
9, 18, "unit.auto_attack",
9, 19, "unit.stack"
10, 18, "unit.connect"
10, 19, "unit.auto_explore"
11, 12, "unit.transform"
11, 13, "unit.sentry"
11, 14, "unit.goto"
11, 15, "unit.mine"
11, 16, "unit.pollution"
11, 17, "unit.road"
11, 18, "unit.irrigate"
11, 19, "unit.fortifying",
12, 16, "unit.airbase"
12, 17, "unit.pillage"
12, 18, "unit.fortified"
12, 19, "unit.fallout"
13, 19, "unit.patrol"
; Unit hit-point bars: approx percent of hp remaining
16, 0, "unit.hp_100"
16, 1, "unit.hp_90"
16, 2, "unit.hp_80"
16, 3, "unit.hp_70"
16, 4, "unit.hp_60"
16, 5, "unit.hp_50"
16, 6, "unit.hp_40"
16, 7, "unit.hp_30"
16, 8, "unit.hp_20"
16, 9, "unit.hp_10"
16, 10, "unit.hp_0"
; Numbers: city size:
14, 0, "city.size_0"
14, 1, "city.size_1"
14, 2, "city.size_2"
14, 3, "city.size_3"
14, 4, "city.size_4"
14, 5, "city.size_5"
14, 6, "city.size_6"
14, 7, "city.size_7"
14, 8, "city.size_8"
14, 9, "city.size_9"
14, 10, "city.size_10"
14, 11, "city.size_20"
14, 12, "city.size_30"
14, 13, "city.size_40"
14, 14, "city.size_50"
14, 15, "city.size_60"
14, 16, "city.size_70"
14, 17, "city.size_80"
14, 18, "city.size_90"
; Numbers: city tile food/shields/trade y/g/b
17, 0, "city.t_food_0"
17, 1, "city.t_food_1"
17, 2, "city.t_food_2"
17, 3, "city.t_food_3"
17, 4, "city.t_food_4"
17, 5, "city.t_food_5"
17, 6, "city.t_food_6"
17, 7, "city.t_food_7"
17, 8, "city.t_food_8"
17, 9, "city.t_food_9"
15, 0, "city.t_shields_0"
15, 1, "city.t_shields_1"
15, 2, "city.t_shields_2"
15, 3, "city.t_shields_3"
15, 4, "city.t_shields_4"
15, 5, "city.t_shields_5"
15, 6, "city.t_shields_6"
15, 7, "city.t_shields_7"
15, 8, "city.t_shields_8"
15, 9, "city.t_shields_9"
15, 10, "city.t_trade_0"
15, 11, "city.t_trade_1"
15, 12, "city.t_trade_2"
15, 13, "city.t_trade_3"
15, 14, "city.t_trade_4"
15, 15, "city.t_trade_5"
15, 16, "city.t_trade_6"
15, 17, "city.t_trade_7"
15, 18, "city.t_trade_8"
15, 19, "city.t_trade_9"
; Unit upkeep in city dialog:
; These should probably be handled differently and have
; a different size...
16, 15, "upkeep.food"
16, 16, "upkeep.food2"
16, 17, "upkeep.unhappy"
16, 18, "upkeep.unhappy2"
16, 19, "upkeep.shield"
; Nuclear explosion: this could maybe now be handled as one
; big graphic (?), but for now is done old way as 3 by 3:
1, 17, "explode.nuke_00"
1, 18, "explode.nuke_01"
1, 19, "explode.nuke_02"
2, 17, "explode.nuke_10"
2, 18, "explode.nuke_11"
2, 19, "explode.nuke_12"
3, 17, "explode.nuke_20"
3, 18, "explode.nuke_21"
3, 19, "explode.nuke_22"
; Misc:
9, 17, "user.attention" ; Variously crosshair/red-square/arrows